Our Services for You


ISC - Inner Strengthening Coaching®

Coaching is a conversational technique that, through powerful questions, accompanies the coachees in their process to reach their goals.

Inner Strengthening Coaching®, or ISC, is successful in its processes because it adapts the technique to the natural characteristics of the coachees, thanks to the detection of their unconscious motivations and their natural personality type.

To accomplish this purpose, it uses the innovative OntoPsyche® perspective as its main resource.

Discovering Your Professional Path

Coaching is a technique in which people are accompanied in a process designed to discover their goals, achieve their objectives and promote their personal growth, moving them from a current position to a new desired position.

Professional Path refers to the path a person chooses for the development and fulfillment of their professional and/or personal life.

Our Professional Path Coaching, or PPC, includes a differentiating element, which is the exploration of the client's essential personality type with personalized interviews and testing, because each way of looking at life has different goals.

Courses for self-discovery and personal growth (in Spanish)

In our personal development courses, you will find your true essence, independent of any learning. You will know in depth the 10 genetically determined personality types, and you will understand how each person handles their family, social and work environments.

Courses about...

01: - 

Rescuing the essence of your Self


Just US$260 for 16 academic hours

Next Course 1 starts on January, 11th, 2024   Sign me up now!

02: - 

Your Dynamic Strengths

03: - 

Your Interpersonal Relationships

04: - 

Family dynamics

05: - 

Partner relationship

06: - 

Emotional Development: Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood

07: - 

Understanding your child

08: - 

Understanding Adolescence

09: - 

Toxic people

10: - 

Mobbing, Bullying, and Stalking

11: - 

Human Development: Motivation, Leadership, Communication, and Self-Esteem

Your Essential Personality Profile

The BESt Approach® 3.0 (or TBA 3.0) method for the assessment, recognition, current status, prevention and prediction of individual characteristics and their effects is based on an in-depth analysis of the essential personality types, or ontotypes, which THINSCEN® has been applying for more than 15 years in an international environment as InPaDEP.
The theoretical foundation described below is based on structures, traits and personality characteristics that have been studied by various psychological, humanistic and psychoanalytical schools.
The BESt Approoach 3.0® offers an integrative vision of the individual as it incorporates a component that is rarely utilized: the authentic personal motivation to be in a relationship and their ability to respond to it.

Outsourcing for Human Resources

We offer services, advice and support in the process of inner strengthening, both at individual level and in work teams at company level, by carrying out:

Human Assessment for human beings.
A team is stronger when each of its members is strengthened.