Meet Your Next Book

With this book and the seven secrets, you will get to know your personality and that of your children, giving you the opportunity to powerfully increase your listening and understanding, raising them with love, respect, harmony and peace. Be inspired in this adventure to fall in love with yourself and your children. Give yourself permission to dream and create a diaphanous and light-filled life.

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Family: The 7 Secrets for Your Best Family Life cover

Features Of This Book


The 7 Secrets for Your Best Family Life

Author: Dr. Claudia Behn-Eschenburg


ISBN: 978-1-961728-12-7
Language: English (also in Spanish or German)
Pages: 126
QR codes: Yes
Graphics: Yes

Smart Book

QR codes allow you to access more information on some of the topics covered in the book.

Big Text

A Garamond font, in a 12 point size, was chosen to provide a spacious writing form for easy reading.


Each secret is identified by a different watermark, to help you locate and catalog each new piece of knowledge.

Book Screenshot

A few pages from the book to get you excited and your curiosity piqued.

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Hello, it's Claudia

Claudia Behn-Eschenburg was born in Mexico in 1966.
She is a doctor in psychoanalysis, psychoanalyst, psychologist, pedagogue, psychotherapist, coach and teacher. She studied at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, as well as in Mexico and the USA.

She has worked in clinics, schools and universities, providing counseling to principals, teachers and parents. She provides private consultation and teaches online courses and workshops. Since 2003 she has been building her family life together with her husband and children.

With 30 years of clinical experience and research, she created with her husband and colleague, Dr. An�bal P. Santoro, OntoPsyche®, a theory based on 10 essential personality types starting from genetics and the psychic structure of the human being.

She is co-author of the books EneaPsyche, One Among Nine, the two volumes of OntoPsyche, Beyond the Enneagram and the Psychoanalysis, entitled The Essence of Your Self and Your Dynamic Strengths, and author of FAMILY: The 7 Secrets to Your Best Family Life.

She is co-founder of THINSCEN, The Inner Strengthening Center in Miami, USA, accompanying families, couples, adolescents and adults to achieve a better quality of life as individuals, couples and families.

Claudia Behn-Eschenburg, Book Author & Publisher Image

Testimonial From Readers

“Dr. Behn takes you by the hand through her own experience and wisdom, sharing in a loving way how you can best relate and communicate with your children, partner and family. She explains how, as individuals, we have different perceptions: depending on the type of "primary need" we have, we will see and interpret life differently.
The language is clear, simple, fluid and invites you to keep reading and become aware of the tools you can use in life to achieve a better quality in all relationships, without expecting from the other what is not characteristic of their personality. I loved the book! Highly recommended.”

Marina Valverde Psychoanalyst

“I was very pleased to see that it is a book that seeks growth in many factors, in order to know ourselves personally and collectively, as a family.
It explains in detail situations that we often fail to realize, and helps to see points of view in a broad way in order to be more open and receptive to the information. It helped me a lot in my family and personal life and strengthened my mental aspect. I highly recommend it to everyone.”

Carlos L�pez

“It is an excellent book that provides, as its name indicates, secrets to better understand our partner and our children and also how to change our expectations in this regard, as we often expect them to behave according to a model that does not respond to their genetic personality characteristics. It proposes a form of empathic communication that implies several requirements such as not advising, scolding, interrupting, etc. among other very useful messages. I highly recommend it.”

Adelina Rosas Mercado Psychoanalyst

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